Are The Horror Stories True? Can Two People With Braces Kiss?
For this week’s Friday Focus, we’re going to answer the question “Can two people with braces kiss?”, a question that we get asked from time to time.
We’ve all heard the horror stories of lovebirds caught in lip-locks (literally), braces stuck together. The good news is that you don’t need to worry. This is more of a myth than a reality.
Orthodontic treatments have evolved over the years, yet there are still several misconceptions about braces. The most believed braces myth of all is the feared “kiss and lock” scenario. Let’s face it, kissing itself can be tricky enough, without the added worry of ending up “lip locked”. Because braces have improved dramatically, your chances having kissing problems are basically zero. So, get out there, turn on the charm and give your braces wearing partner a kiss.
So . . . Feel free to kiss all you want, but remember to take good care of your teeth. Don’t forget to brush and floss before you enjoy that kiss either, getting rid of any unsightly leavings stuck in your teeth (not a good look). Out on the town and no toothbrush or floss in sight? Take along a travel sized bottle of mouth wash with you – problem solved. Now you’ll have clean teeth and minty fresh breath – what’s not to love?
At iSmiles Orthodontics, our mission is simple – we create beautiful smiles. We’re also passionate about making dealing with braces in Irvine as easy and stress free as possible for our patients. Have additional questions about braces? Call 949-385-6814 today. We’re here to help.