Traditional Braces in Irvine
Traditional Braces near you
Surveys conducted by the American Association of Orthodontists reveal that 8 out of 10 mothers of children receiving orthodontic treatment think their kids’ braces are way cooler today…then the metal-mouth versions they wore as kids.
Seven out of 10 mothers also say that wearing braces actually makes their children feel cool!
But there’s more to braces than creating a great smile. Straight teeth are easier to clean. They promote healthy gums, are less likely to get chipped, and overall they give the face a more balanced appearance.
All “fixed” braces pretty much work the same way. They’re composed of a system of wires, bands, and brackets that gradually apply pressure to each tooth so it slowly moves to the desired position. Each move is specifically built to produce effective results.
Over the past decade, orthodontists have developed innovative technologies that allow patients to have straighter teeth in a shorter amount of time, with less discomfort, using braces that are much subtler in appearance – and much more affordable in terms of cost.
iSmiles offers three fixed-brace treatment options that offer their own benefits and successful outcomes. If you have any questions about receiving traditional braces near you, please contact us.
Metal Braces
While traditional metal braces may not be the most visually appealing method of straightening teeth, they do offer significant benefits. They are stronger and typically more cost-effective than other methods and they can be more effective for patients with severely malpositioned teeth.
Gone are the days of the metal mouth look where braces had metal bands wrapped around each and every tooth. Our metal braces feature smaller brackets made of high-grade stainless steel, that are glued to the front of each tooth.
Even the wires are thinner. Thanks to NASA, the newest heat-activated titanium wires have a “shape memory” that’s activated by the heat of the patient’s mouth. The teeth are moved ever more gently and efficiently, with minimal discomfort, over longer periods of time. The wires are more comfortable, easier to keep clean, and more attractive. Even better, they don’t have to be constantly adjusted, thereby reducing the number of orthodontic visits over a treatment’s lifetime.
Who knew these space-age wires could make such a difference!
What’s more, metal braces can go high fashion with ligatures that come on a rainbow of colors. Since these tiny rubber hands are changed with each follow-up appointment, kids can coordinate the color of their bands to make a statement, reflect their mood, or make a shout-out to an event…red for the holidays, pink to match a prom dress, orange for Halloween.
If you’re interested in receiving traditional braces near you, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We are happy to offer traditional braces in Irvine.
Clear Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces provide a more discrete look and work much in the same way as traditional metal braces. The main difference is the brackets, which are typically clear or tooth-colored ceramic instead of stainless steel, and the ligatures that hold the archwire on the ceramic brackets are clear or white.
Though they are not invisible, ceramic braces are difficult to see unless your friend is standing up close. If you are looking for a more aesthetic alternative, ceramic braces are a great alternative.
Lingual Braces
Lingual means “the side nearest your tongue”. They are literally invisible because the fixed braces are snugly bonded behind your teeth where they cant be seen, and they can’t rub against your lips or cheeks. They are lightweight and discreet, and work the same way as traditional fixed braces in that they gently move your teeth towards the desired position.
This is one of two “invisible” treatments iSmiles Orthodontics offers – the other being Invisalign® clear plastic, removable tooth aligners. When comparing the two, Lingual Braces are virtually undetectable compared to clear aligners that are worn like a plastic sleeve. And since they are not removed until treatment is completed, Lingual Braces give the orthodontist more control over tooth movement – a clear advantage if you lack the discipline required to keep removable tooth aligners in your mouth except when eating and brushing.
iSmiles Orthodontics, your Irvine Orthodontist, has a solid reputation for our work with Lingual Braces, which require specialized training and years of experience. Lingual brackets are held closer together because on the backside of the teeth, the dimensions are smaller than the arch on the outside. The installation process and adjustment visits are more difficult and take longer than traditional fixed braces.
Looking for traditional braces near you? We offer traditional braces in Irvine! Your iSmiles orthodontist will be happy to answer all of your questions and concerns as to which treatment is best for you.
Schedule a Complimentary iSmiles Consultation to find out if traditional, clear or lingual braces will work for you.