What’s the Difference Between Damon Braces and Traditional Braces?
In this edition of Friday Focus, Dr. O El-Hillal from iSmiles Orthodontics, your Orthodontist in Irvine, discusses the differences between Damon braces and traditional metal braces.
My name is Dr. O and today we are going to explain the difference between Damon (passive, self-ligating) braces and traditional braces.
If this video was 5 or 10 or 15 minutes long I’d have the time to truly reveal the world of differences between the two. Since we only have a few minutes to complete this video, in a nutshell, the primary difference between traditional braces and Damon is the way the wire is held in the brackets.
The wire is held by different things in each treatment. Traditional braces near you utilize clear or colored elastic ties, while Damon Braces have a slide mechanism to hold the wire in place. This provides more comfort by reducing friction.
Damon braces can treat most orthodontic concerns without extractions. Damon Braces may be the ideal treatment for patients suffering from over-crowding.
Damon braces can also treat most orthodontic problems without extractions. You don’t have to pull teeth to make space. Hence, if you have a problem with crowding Damon Braces may be the ideal system for you.
Another benefit is the way Damon braces allow us to create wide beautiful smiles without the use of a palatal expander. This feature makes them more comfortable.
In most cases, when you use lighter forces to move teeth it is more comfortable. Damon braces allow you to move teeth with lighter forces than traditional braces. As a result, many of our patients feel their experience with braces is not as bad as their siblings – or their friends who were treated with traditional braces.
These are the main benefits of Damon braces. If you are an adult, it is my own personal opinion that Damon is probably the best system out there for adult patients.
If you have an orthodontic problem you want to have corrected, you may want to research the difference between Damon and traditional braces.